1) Get Unreal Tournament 4

Download UT4 from UT4ever.org share_icon under the "Game Installer" section.
The download comes preloaded with the UT4UU plugin which allows for great in-game customizations and quicker loadings.

2) Install the Anti-Cheating plugin (HubTools)

Get HubTools from the Hubtools Github Page share_icon:
- Click "HubTools.zip" under the Assets section to download the zip file, the downloaded zip file should contain 1 folder named HubTools.
- Extract the whole folder (NOT the files in it) in the "Plugins" folder inside the game install directory: ~\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\Plugins
This plugin is a must need in order to play the game, without it, you will be automatically kicked from games.

3) Create your UT4 account and play!

Create your account at the UT4 Master Server share_icon website.
- This is the account you will use to log into the game.
- Your account will track your in-game stats and adjust your in-game rank accordingly.

(Optional) 3D Spatial Audio - OpenAL

UT4-OpenAL offers an alternative audio module, offering an improved 3D spatial audio experience.
Get UT4-OpenAL from the UT4-OpenAL Github Page share_icon:
- Click "UT4-OpenAL-2023-10-21.zip", the downloaded zip file contains "Readme.txt", which describes all the necessary steps to install the audio module.

(Optional) Disabling async loading - Faster game joins

Disabling async loading significantly decreases the amount of time it takes to load into a server.
It also potentially fixes occasional crashes joining elimination games, but some reported it causing more frequent crashing when joining megablitz games.

To disable async loading, append the following code to C:\Users\{USERNAME}\Documents\UnrealTournament\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini:

(Optional) Better Crosshairs - UltiCross

UltiCross offers parameterized higher quality Crosshairs for UT4.
Get UltiCross from the UltiCross Github Page share_icon:
- Click "UT4-UltiCross-1.0.zip", extract the contents from the downloaded zip file to your Unreal Tournament 4 installation directory.
For example, if Unreal Tournament 4 is installed to C:\Games\UnrealTournament, then the following files should be installed:

Run ulticross from the console to customize your crosshairs.
You must also go to your UT weapon settings and assign your weapons your desired crosshair.

(Optional) Common Console Commands

uu help to open UT4UU help page.
uu settings to open UT4UU settings page.
stat fps to show fps stats.
gamma [num] to set the gamma value (e.g. gamma 2.7).
mutate teamskins to open the teamskins mutator settings page.
mutate weaponskins to open the weaponskins mutator settings page.
mutate hitsounds to open the custom hitsounds mutator settings page.
mutate utplus to open the UTPlus mutator settings page.
mutate hidegun / mutate showgun to hide and show your gun viewmodel (requires HiddenWeaponsUTPL mutator).

Set weapon offsets in uu settings to the following values for permanent hidden viewmodels: -27, -75, -200.
Reset the weapon offsets to all zeros to get the default viewmodels back.

UT4 Master Server by Timiimit

https://ut4.timiimit.com share_icon

UT4 Game Files Downloads

https://ut4ever.org share_icon

UT Custom Content (Downloads for all custom content: maps, mutators, rulesets etc..)

https://utcustomcontent.com share_icon

UT4 Games Stats by UT4Pugs.us share_icon

https://ut4stats.com share_icon

UT4Pugs.us Discord (UT4 in North America)


UnealPUGs Discord (UT4 in Europe)


UT99 Bunnytracking by UTBT.net share_icon


UT4 Content creators

flikswich_pfpFlikswich's Twitch channel share_icon

thephantaci_pfpphantaci's Twitch channel share_icon

59timesthepain_pfp.dddylan's Twitch channel share_icon

pseih_pfppseih's Twitch channel share_icon

joekehr_pfpjoekehr's Twitch channel share_icon

mikeythevike_pfpmikeythevike's Twitch channel share_icon

nijntje1982_pfpnijntje1982's Twitch channel share_icon
Feel free to ask bishco to have your UT4 channel/discord/community featured on this page!
  • 1. Basics

    1.1. All players are welcome

    Everyone is welcome to play in UT4L. However, UT4L does reserve the right to exclude players from its competitions and PUGs in case of a suspension.

    1.1.1. Treat others as you would like to be treated

    UT4L does not support any form of harassment of its players. We ask you to remain civil and to treat others with respect.

    1.1.2. Offensive messages, nicknames and avatars are not welcome

    Offensive clan/player names, avatars and messages are not permitted. All cases are reviewed individually.

    1.2. UT4L Timezone = CET/CEST

    UT4L announces all times in Central European (Summer) Time (CET/CEST) / Berlin. A clock displaying the current date and time can be found on the homepage.

    1.3. Committing or supporting fraud is forbidden

    This includes, but is not limited to:

    - Playing a match to a pre-determined result.
    - Manipulating screenshots, chat logs or match results.
    - Impersonating other players or UT4L staff with malicious intent.

    All cases are reviewed individually.

    1.4. Disruption of UT4L and its services is forbidden

    Causing disruption to the UT4L Website, the UT4L Discord server or any UT4L match is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to:

    - Intentionally connecting to an in-game server during an ongoing match.
    - Tampering with the game settings to create an advantage for a team or a player.
    - Targeting UT4League.com or a in-game server with a Denial of Service attack.
    - Connecting to a team's voice chat during an ongoing match with the intention of causing disruption.

    All cases are reviewed individually.

  • 2. Matches

    2.1. Match Hosting
    2.1.1 Server Region

    All UT4L matches must be played on a server region respective of the region of the competition or PUG in question, unless differently agreed by both teams.
    Regarding International Competitions, when necessary, the server region will be swapped after every round.
    If the score is tied up on a mutual match point round, the final map must be played on a server that minimizes any advantage for either team/player (e.g. a server where both teams/players have higher but closer latencies).

    2.1.2 Game Password

    UT4L recommends password protecting all competition matches and ranked PUGs, as if an intruder were to join the game, that would allow each team to invalidate the match if they wish to.

    2.1.3 Game Settings

    All UT4L competition matches and ranked PUGs must be played with up-to-date versions of the indicated presets on the competition/PUG in question (UT+, UTPL, etc..).
    If no preset is specified, all UT4L competition matches and ranked PUGs must be played with up-to-date versions of the following mutators, if available on the HUB that's being used (unless differently agreed by both teams):
    - AntiCheat
    - Add Impact Hammer
    - CustomHUD
    - Global_Stats
    - Hitsounds
    - HiddenWeaponsUTPL
    - NoSpawnProtection
    - NoPickupTimer
    - ProSwitch
    - TeamSkins
    - UTPL Armour
    - WarmupPlus
    - WeaponReplacement (Configuration: Grenade Launcher --> Bio Rifle, Lightining Rifle --> Sniper Rifle, Reedemer --> Link Gun)

    One can download and import all of these mutators from utcustomcontent.com under the mutators section.

    2.1.4 PUG Hosting

    Pick-Up Games can be hosted by any player taking part in the PUG, however, if no other player is willing to host, the creator of the PUG has the responsibility to do so.

    2.1.5 Competition Match Hosting

    Competition games can be hosted by any player taking part in the match.

    2.2. Default dates, score reporting, delays and warnings
    2.3.1 Default dates

    Competition matches should be played according to the dates and times provided by the creator of the competition (if not provided, a reasonable date and time must be agreed upon by both teams).
    PUGs should be played as soon as they are filled up and marked as "ongoing".

    2.3.2 Score Reporting

    Scores must be reported as soon as possible by at least a player from each team. If the reported results match, the game result will be confirmed. In case a team mis-reports a match result, the mis-reporting team can re-submit the adjusted scores without the intervention of the staff team.
    Purposefully mis-reporting scores is forbidden.

    2.3.3 Delays

    PUGs: A delay of game start of 15 or more minutes lifts all players from the obligation of playing the PUG game, which will be cancelled if 1 or more players end up doing so, in which case, it's a ranked PUG, a score of 0-0 must be reported by at least a player from each team.
    Competitions: If a team fails to ready up 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the opposing team may claim a Default Win for the map concerned, and, after an additional 5 minutes wait, a Default Win for the whole match may be claimed.
    In order to claim a Default Win, please take a console status screenshot of your team being available on the server at match time and contact a staff member about the issue on the UT4L's Discord server
    After a map change, both teams have up to 10 minutes to organise, starting when the first player rejoins the server.

    2.3.4 Warnings

    A player who fails to show up in-game 10 or more minutes after the agreed time will receive a warning.
    A player who reaches the amount of 3 warnings can be suspended from partcipating in future PUGs and competitions for a certain period of time.
    Each warning takes 1 week to expire.

    All cases are reviewed individually.

    2.3. Map Picking Systems
    2.3.1 Competitions Matches (Picks/Bans System)

    Maps for all UT4L competition matches are decided using the Picks/Bans map decision system (unless differently specified in the competition rules):
    - Team A bans a map
    - Team B bans a map
    - Team B picks a map
    - Team A picks a map
    - Team B bans a map
    - Team A bans a map
    - Team A picks a map
    - Team B picks a map

    Repeat if needed (if there is only one remaining map, that will be the decider)

    2.3.2 Pick-Up Games (1 map per team)

    The first map for all UT4L ranked PUG matches is decided by the PUG creator upon creating the PUG in question (unless differently agreed by both teams).
    The second map for all UT4L ranked PUG matches is decided by the opposing team to the PUG creator (unless differently agreed by both teams).
    Every map after that is decided by votes of all players involved in the ranked PUG (unless differently agreed by both teams).

    2.4. Status & Scoreboard screenshots required

    We encourage players to take a screenshot of the final score at the end of every map/round. Screenshots will be used as proof of result in case of a match dispute.

    2.6. Player changes during a match (Competitions)
    2.6.1 Competition matches

    Teams are allowed to switch players during the match, with or without a pause, only once per map, as long as the joining player is either rostered on that team or has been approved as a substitute by the opposing team.
    Teams are allowed to switch as many players as they would like after a map change as long as they are rostered on the team or have been approved as substitutes by the opposing team.

    2.6.2 PUG matches

    Teams are not allowed to switch players in and out during a ranked PUG match, as that would make ELO adjustements inaccurate.
    Teams are allowed to switch as many players as they like during a non-ranked PUG match, as long as both teams agree.

    2.7. Only authorized spectators are allowed

    Only spectators authorized by UT4L or authorized by both teams are allowed in any UT4L ranked match.
    Any third party who is caught relaying match information to a team via in-game spectate or similar means (ghosting), and/or teams who intentionally attempt to acquire information in such manner are subject to punishments including warnings, match or round overturns and suspensions, depending on the gravity of the offense.

    2.8. Streaming official matches

    Players are free to stream their matches on any streaming service.
    While we discourage stream-sniping, we will not punish any offenders as it is a risk one willingly takes by streaming their matches. We suggest adding a stream delay of at least one minute and to reduce the possibility of getting stream-sniped.

    2.9. Pauses & Breaks
    2.9.1 Pauses

    Teams may request a pause at any time during a match. If you need to pause, you must clearly request a pause using in-game chat (e.g.: "Pause" or "Pause please"). The hosting player is then required to pause as soon as they are able to.

    2.9.2 Breaks

    Breaks are allowed between maps as long as both team agree and as long it does not disrupt the flow of the competition/PUG in question.

    2.10 Match Disputes

    If a team wishes to dispute a result or report any incident during an official match they have a total of seven days to do so. Past this time the results will remain untouched.

  • 3. Cheating

    3.1. Cheats are not allowed, duh

    Any kind of cheats are not permitted. Players who are found guilty of using cheats such as: third part softwares, game exploits, illegal scripts or any modification categorised as cheat will be suspended from all UT4L competitions and Pick-Up Games, up to 1 year for their first offense, and up to 5 years for their second offense and forward.

    3.1.2 Scripts

    Scripts that allow a player to perform an action in-game that they would not be able to execute without the script are banned.

    3.1.3 Bug-Using

    Any kind of "Bug-Using" is not allowed. Players abusing unintended exploits that give an unfair advantage will be penalised on a case-by-case basis depending on the intent and impact on the matches. Possible penalties may include team warnings, forfeiting of one or more maps/matches, and/or suspensions of varying duration.

  • 4. UT4L Staff

    4.1. Requesting staff help

    To request help from a staff member or to file a match complaint, please create a ticket request on the UT4L's Discord server. To do so, follow the instructions written in the “discord_link:contact_admins” channel.

    4.1.1 All staff members are listed on the staff page

    All active UT4L administrators and moderators are shown on the UT4L's staff page.

    4.1.2 Staff discretion

    The UT4L rules are enforced at the discretion of the staff team. Any complaints related to rule-breaking will be judged on a case-by-case basis and different punishments may be handed out in each case.


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